NIMBY chatroom


This area is expensive for a reason. Not everyone deserves to live just anywhere. If you add more people, you increase traffic and that sucks. My family and I are doing just fine, I don’t really see what the fuss is about for other people. They should just live somewhere else.


We shouldn’t build more housing because that’s playing to the capitalist mindset and being a shill to the construction and real estate industry. We should use government resources to build as much affordable housing as possible. But wait, the problem is the influx of...these tech people! Some of these tech bros are terrible. If we vocalize that we hate “techies”, maybe they will just leave and things will go back to what they were before they came. San Francisco has lost its soul.


Hmm. We don’t really like poor people in our neighborhood so affordable housing is out. Plus our neighborhood has such wonderful character, if you let a developer build a boxy multi-unit building, it’s going to ruin the character. If it’s in another neighborhood, maybe. But not tax increases, alright? I agree with you about these tech people. I’m not really a fan of these nouveau riche. They are so cultureless.


*Thinking to themselves* We don’t have many options if we do mixed rate housing. If we settle for anything less than half, then we will be seen as supporting gentrifiers. Without a tax increase, we can’t really do fully affordable housing. I can’t really compromise my integrity though.


SF is too bureaucratic as it is. Too many rules!